Author Archives: Admin

Healing work being done in communities

Healing work being done in communities is from The Mining Journal October 12, 2014

“The danger is that religion becomes a mere ritual. It’s not sufficient to merely ring a bell, you know.” — Dalai Lama

Some religious sensibility, most would agree, is ingrained in human experience. But acknowledging that, we also know it’s a mixed bag. Self-perpetuating denominational divisions frequently reinforce prejudice and contribute to narrow understandings of the world.

Opportunistic political leaders kidnap religious language to further personal goals. Hucksters flaunt popular but superficial spiritual messages and get-rich schemes across airways and television screens.

But there’s reason for measured optimism. We live in a haunting time but some religious leaders are now finding a common ground in addressing the deeper challenges of preserving and protecting the natural resources of our planet. Our future depends on Continue reading

Public Service Announcements

As part of their media awareness campaign, the NMU Earthkeeper Student Team recently recorded three different thirty-second Public Service Announcements for distribution to Marquette area radio stations. Each PSA features a unique message spoken by a different member of the team.

Earthkeepers Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcement 1

The first Public Service Announcement was voiced by Adam Magnuson.

I like my martinis dirty, not my water. We are living alongside the Great Lakes, the largest freshwater reservoirs in the world. Take a moment to give thanks, get to know your watershed, and do your part to preserve and protect our water. Let’s keep the Great Lakes great.

Public Service Announcement 2

The second Public Service Announcement was voiced by Tom Merkel.

When Twinkies were going to be discontinued, it was national news. Today, up to 200 species could go extinct. Why aren’t they in the news?

Public Service Announcement 3

The third Public Service Announcement was voiced by Katelin Bingner.

The Great Lakes basin is part of the path Monarch butterflies travel during their summer migrations. Help them make their 3000 mile journey by preserving their most vital food source, the common milkweed.

PSA Production

The PSAs were produced by Obadiah Metivier of Middle Ear Media in Marquette.

Obadiah also recorded the voice over for the closing tag and provided the original music.

This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by NMU’s Student Earthkeepers, a partner with Northern Michigan’s 2014 environmental initiative.

Find out how you can get involved.